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SuccessFULLER 3 minutes at a time

  • 3 calls March 23, April 6 & 20, 2024 @6.30pm India (insta TS)
  • Telegram group
  • Daily weekday email telegram practice from March 18 to April 26 

Call 3 Kundalini RISING!

Please be in comfortable clothes and have space to move This call is a Super Advanced Body work and there will be reactions afterwards that may seem crazy. Keep your following week for yourself as much as possible Note - J shed 12 pounds in the two months following a personal session. Get your goals and hopes along but not unreasonable expectations! Your commitment to being SuccessFULLER must begin with your health goals

Call 4 Wealth RISING!

We will check in with our health and do some crazy serious money work! None of this means that you will not have to do whatever it takes next - only adults can do money work so make sure your goals and dreams are adult too When F made USD 7 million, A made over 100 crores Rs and B started getting 3 crore Rs more, Vi cleared her USD 100,000 credit card debt, it did not happen overnight and they did whatever they had to do diligently and consistently Note - We need great health to make great wealth so keep in mind that your money work needs body work too Call 3 is an important component and you may need to keep returning to it

Call 5 Relationships RISING!

What do you need in your Relationships? To walk away, take a break, improve or attract? Awareness and honesty are BAE in working with The Decrees, so spend time on what your goals and desires are before the call!

Original Price USD 451 / Rs 33,001

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