Feel Better, Good & Great in Seconds!

Get in touch on Whatsapp  or email [email protected]

The day and moon phase a month (and year) begins reveals much about the month!
Since Feb begins on hard working karmic Saturday, we may all have more on our plate than we think this month. At the same time, he is also the most patient and organised of planets so he will support us in taking a step back and planning before we plunge headlong
Wherever more work is required – health, wealth, career, healing or relationships – the hard work will show up there
Ask for help if required and don’t be afraid to invest in yourself by getting professional, business or personal support!
Since the moon phase changes to the active and action today, chances are you will be happy and invigorated to put in the planning and work
Traditionally the month of love and Valentine, our desires could run to NEW! in existing relationships or to attract different ones. Both are possible this month so MindFULL BE! about what you are focussing on!
Whatever shows up or is showing up, it’s going to be a Fabulous February, WHY NOT!  (and you can always say The Decree everyday to make it so!)
💙🙏Om Shanishcharaye Namaha 🙏 💙
I am willing
I am willing
I am willing
I am Always willing
I am Ready for NEW Fab Feb! 💎💙💎
WhatsApp Image 2025-02-04 at 14.11.33_8c55fd30

In the sessions:

✅ Get rapid relief for your current issue

✅ Get a deeper understanding and blocks for your problem. For example, anxiety is at the root cause of many of our problems and that could need clearing for your best health and wealth

✅ Leave feeling lighter and brighter about the future

✅ Get to know how to continue working long term together towards your goal


30 mins (Voice call) Revelations session (to be scheduled )

Value – US$ 294 / Rs 21,600 + bonus

🌷 Special Offer Price – US$ 82 / Rs 6,001 🌷



VIP Package of 5 Sessions

🌷 Special Offer Price – US$ 341 / Rs 25,000 🌷

It is always better to do more than 1 session and 5 across three weeks are even better!


Take up seven days of remote clearings! You can choose any one area – money, relationships or health or receive the intuitive clearings as

Mondays – Clearing for emotional energies
Tuesday – Clearings for physical energies
Wednesday – Clearings for mental energies
Thursday – Clearing abundance blockages
Friday – clearing relationship disharmonies
Saturday – clearings for Karmic baggage
Sunday – clearings for procrastination

🌷 Special Offer Price – US$ 106 / Rs 7,701 🌷

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