Mercury retrograde Prosperity Consciousness calls (2) with Nidhu B Kapoor!!
Catch the call replay and experience the shifts like Prasanta:
“I had earlier last year attended mercury retro but never realized how miraculous it is. Now after attending the master class i am feeling as a new person in me more joy more happiness enthusiastic about life as if there is a light in a tunnel. I have become a fan of decrees”
On our call:
✅ 1. What is Mercury retrograde?
✅ 2. What should you be most careful about at this time and why
✅ 3. The 3 greatest gifts of Mercury retrograde
✅ 4. Working on those 3 gifts
✅ 5. Know the incredible 3 word sentence to return to your most joyous state, no matter what you are going thro!
✅ 6. Invitation to part 2 and 3 on New Moon Solar eclipse, 8th April and Full Moon, 24th April
Catch the call replay!
Everybody’s invited! 😁💚🎁⚡💰🌈
Don’t miss out on two more calls!
Prices now have doubled!!
Prosperity Consciousness is an attitude and a way of life. It is much more than money!
1. Balance of work and rest
2. Open to feedback and learning
3. The opposite of lack and scarcity mindset
4. Trusting money will always be there
5. Confidence
6. Believing in your value
7. Driven by passion and motivation instead of fear and control
8. Productivity
9. Good habits
10. An attitude of WIN-WIN for all involved
Mercury retrograde Prosperity Consciousness (New Moon)
This New Moon on 8th April has a solar eclipse that makes it an intensely feminine moon. Ergo, we shall work on our mothers and their lineage to increase our Prosperity Consciousness
New Moons close the feminine/Mother phase and are portals to New phases and chapters
With today’s Solar eclipse (not visible in India), the sun’s masculine/Father energies will also be lesser
Ergo, it is a superb day to work on Mother wounds because Divine Mother energies (thanks to Chaitra Navratri beginning tomorrow) are here!
उपाध्यायन् दसाचार्य; आचार्यनम् सतं पिता।
सहस्रं तु पितॄन् माता गौरवेणातिरिच्यते॥ –
“A preceptor is more than ten ordinary teachers, our father is superior to a hundred such preceptors, but our mother surpasses the glory of a thousand fathers”
Our tendencies to take on and repeat our mothers wounds are much deeper and this includes her poverty consciousness, all of which come from misogynistic programs
Male misogyny – Seeing women as objects to use and not humans to value so unwilling to give to her. This block in giving blocks receiving…
Female misogyny – Putting men on a pedestal, over giving to them and wanting to take from women, even daughters. This block in receiving blocks giving…
Any imbalance of giving or receiving blocks money (and more!), You Can Leave Now!
If you have a good relationship with your mother, come!
If you don’t, definitely come!
🧡✨💰GET 💰✨🧡
1. Group % of poverty consciousness and misogyny from our mother and her lineage and clearing that IN MINUTES!
2. pain clearings (as all pain blocks money) for the mother and lineage
3. Checking mitochondrial strength/life force from our mothers (we get none from our father, did you know?!) and upgrading it for her and us IN MINUTES!
4. Unique, game changing Breath work (our Merc retro call replay has a tiny trailor at the end)
5. Shiv-Shakti (Divine) balance in us IN SECONDS!
6. Daily email reminders for 9 days of Navratri (9th – 17th April) to light a candle and listen to the today’s call replay
Please keep 1.5 hours aside for our call
It is recommended to shower before and after the call
Wear light shades, even in undergarments
Delete some old photos and emails before the call
Clean your altars before or after the call
Keep all lights burning from dusk till however long
See yous! 🚀🚀🚀