Feel Better, Good & Great in Seconds!

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😇 From anxiety to Awesome in Minutes & SECONDS with just 2 WORDS & mind-blowing insights!

👏 CALL REPLAY 👏 With Nidhu B Kapoor

🎧 Click to watch: https://www.mysticlotusgold.com/nidhu-nbk-anxiety-freedom-hts2024


💖 The 2 BIGGEST mistakes when trying to heal anxiety

💖 The many meanings of anxiety and THE ONE root cause

💖 Learn the 5-SECOND movement that’ll make you feel better immediately 

💖 Why Chakra work is unmissable for anxiety-FREEDOM

💖 Lots of Word Medicine (The Decrees) and Aha! insights that’ll change the way you feel about anxiety

💖 We worked on participants’ top symptoms of anxiety. You can check yours here and join in replay: https://tinyurl.com/dstwvbjs

💡 Put on the light and switch on The Force! ⚡️

👏 CALL REPLAY 👏 With Nidhu B Kapoor
🎧 Click to watch: https://www.mysticlotusgold.com/nidhu-nbk-anxiety-freedom-hts2024 (includes call 1 replay)

🌹 The connection between our present situation, feelings & childhood (PLUS healing what shows up in minutes!)

🌹 The root cause of pain is in the ❓_❓ Must know and pay attention!

🌹 It’s time to STOP feeling wrong about being afraid, angry, weak and so on (life-changing insights)

🌹 Join powerful Root Chakra work (people felt deep releases on the call itself!)

🌹 Of course, enjoy the Decrees (Word Medicine) shared & join intense healing+training program in the link below

The Force AWAKENED – Catch The Decrees (Word Medicine) in action. Participants released their distress in minutes & seconds! ⚡️⚡️

👏 CALL REPLAY 👏 With Nidhu B Kapoor
🎧 Click to listen: https://www.mysticlotusgold.com/nidhu-nbk-anxiety-freedom-hts2024 (includes call 1 & 2 replays. Call 3 is audio call)

🔹 The ONE sound (you may already be making) that should be your go-to for anxiety release

🔹 Is guilt good? What is misplaced guilt? Know how they determine our Dharma and course of life!

🔹 Create your own personalised turbo-charged healing water!

🔹 PROOF that we are never alone

🔹 The much-loved Saturn’s Decrees at play – attendees released pain, distress, etc. in seconds PLUS catch the demos – long-standing issues felt eased up in no time!


✅ Know the difference between Healing & Manifestation!

✅ RECEIVE clearing for your mother’s wounds… YOU’LL feel better instantly

✅ See how what you miss in the world is missing in your family!

✅ How to stop being the autobot of your family!

✅ Amazingly accurate DNA Maths 

✅ Why we marry our “PARENT”?!

✅ The 5 Tenets of Karma

✅ Prepare Water FULL of Love in 2 minutes


We meet Nidhu again on Thursday. See you then!

★Mooney Work in May 2024 (11 days on Telegram plus 2 Calls)★

Mooney Work is the opportunity to be supported in our manifestation work with the Earth’s cosmic cycle!

Be a Mooney worker – Come!

Click Here to watch How you can make high vibration water for you and your family 

On our call:

✅ 1. What is Mercury retrograde?

✅ 2. What should you be most careful about at this time and why

✅ 3. The 3 greatest gifts of Mercury retrograde

✅ 4. Working on those 3 gifts

✅ 5. Know the incredible 3 word sentence to return to your most joyous state, no matter what you are going thro!

✅ 6. Invitation to part 2 and 3 on New Moon Solar eclipse, 8th April and Full Moon, 24th April

Catch the call replay!

Everybody’s invited! 😁💚🎁⚡💰

Retrogrades are planetary behaviours where the planet ‘seems’ to be going backward.

All planets retrograde for a period and we are impacted by these as ALL our systems are governed by planets (and the sun and moon).

Retrogrades are times of great healing and so bring up unresolved issues – none more than Mercury retrograde!

Apart from traffic jams, communication breakdowns, digital disruptions and electronic malfunctions, unhealed childhood traumas show up most at this time and we can act out uncontrollably in frustration, irritation, anxiety and stress

As all healing is a healing of the past, Mercury goes retrograde 3 – 4 times in the year to keep pushing us to heal and grow

Mercury is a mental planet and things can come to a ‘head’ but just as we have unresolved programs from our childhood, we also have the curiosity, wonder and innocence of child energies

On our call, we shall tap into those!
Come! Everyone’s invited to the only Mercury retrograde workshop in the world!

Bring all your annoyances along! 😁🎁

Note – Mercury retrograde is from 1st April 2024 – 25th April 2024 but the effects last 3 weeks before and 2 weeks after

⏰⚡ Learn the World’s FASTEST healing technique in 5️⃣ minutes!! It’s JUST 4 Words! Yes! FOUR WORDS only!

Click LEARN MORE to experience it now!!

⚡Learn the technique in 5 MINUTES!
⚡ Experience shifts in SECONDS!
⚡ Release stress / anxiety INSTANTLY!
⚡ It is simple, powerful and EFFECTIVE!!
⚡ Get 2-hr call to learn to TRANSFORM pain, health, wealth, relationships & more!
⚡ Get Detailed PDFs, practice emails and support from the FOUNDER HERSELF!
⚡ Includes 7-day DOUBLE YOUR BANK BALANCE challenge
⚡ All replays & PDFs have LIFETIME access
⚡ Comprehensive program

💃😃 Click here to know these 4 words right away

Aarti Parekh: Energy still flowing and visualised balloons flying and I’m let it go……feel lighter 

PoonamSP: Achievable! Hopeful!

Nishi: SO possible!

Nitika: Feeling lighter, a stream of energy went through my body and my ears and jaws kind of opened more as if I am ready.

kulpreet kaur: i feel happy

Click Here to watch How you can make high vibration water for you and your family 

On the call:

1. Quick reminder of the criteria of goals to be SuccessFULLER! ⚡✔

2. The 4 parts to having SuccesFULLER goals that need to be aligned ⚡✔

3. The future of Healing, Coaching, Training, Therapy (Remember, you heard it here first!)⚡✔

4. Get closer to your dream health and wealth, 3 mins at a time using The Trinaural Decrees!⚡✔

5. Most important question to ask to achieve our dream life
(Note – Question is not to be confused with The Question Decrees!)⚡✔

6. How this question is linked to The Trinaural Decrees and the future of Healing, Coaching, Training and Therapy ⚡✔

7. How to use your ENTIRE Brain (left brain, right brain and hind brain) for your greatest results in the shortest time ⚡✔

8. The choice to continue this work till 26th April ⚡✔

Highly recommended for:

1. All healers, trainers and coaches looking to maximize time and results for themselves and their clients

2. Those who enjoy words and intellectual stimulation

3. Are comfortable with English

4. Are familiar with healing/ coaching practices/ are working with practitioners

Know the best way to question AND get the perfect way to answer too! It’s all you’ll need to achieve your goals, one day at a time!

Think about your goals and what would you like to achieve till then. If you already have goals, you will get to know how to achieve them faster!

Program over

1. What pain really is ✔️

2. Spiritual reason for pain✔️

3. Truths about pain✔️
4. Messages of pain you need to act on rightaway!✔️

5. One word pain relief Decree (Yes, just ONE word!) and Goddess Alchemy✔️✔️✔️

6. Invitation to 3 days no-charge pain-relief Alchemy!✔️

Nina: Pain in feet is gone!!!

Anuja: Had extreme extreme pain from above ankles to front foot, since the call started, but it is better now. From 1000 to 20

Vaishali: it was amazing. i feel burning in left leg below knee, but the pain is lesser.
i am smiling now, a glow seems to have come on my face

Nitika: this was so powerful Nidhu. Feeling so positive now! Feeling lighter 
Thank you Nidhu for this amazing session!

Program over

Your Task is not to seek, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built.

– Rumi

We broke thro those barriers with just 3 words!

Theresa: Wow, felt a shiver down spine and now the pains are all gone! All gone!

Satpreet: Love this Decree. Don’t want to stop saying it. Beautiful!!! Heart opening up. Smiling Big!

Karen: Awesome!!! Felt like I’m floating off my chair 🙂

Jann: Wow! It opened me up

Biita: heart feels as if it is sitting down

Leena: Love it ❤️❤️. Making me smile

Deepali aurora: Switching on something inside

Payal Dhami: Was sleeping now awakening. I suddenly feel safe 

Daisy: Energy is flowing in root chakra to the feet

Poonam: Vibration on third eye chakra

Yogiitaa: Felt oneness

Tejal M: Looove it , I am smiling

Prathibha: Woow, awesome light

ZD: relaxed

Megala: crown chakra tingling. Feel like giving a big hug. feeling myself as light pink flower, dancing in the breeze without a care of the world

Jaishree: i always used to feel sleepy and yawning when i met my husband in our dating stage. he would get annoyed but i used to feel so safe that i always wanted to lay on his shoulders. its the same feeling i felt now. my inner child is happy with this session 😀 , Lovely sensation in the head, like i am high 😀 tears in the eyes from all yawning, amazing

Namrata: Tingling on soles and lots of activity on the 3rd eye

Hiral Shah: I could feel a big Red Heart coming out of my Heart Chakra❤❤❤

Geetanjalli Pednekar: Am feeling calm. Started euphoric, then tears came rushing in, then felt very calm n stable. Pain not felt. Stiffness gone.

Dionell Soliven: Just wanna thank You Nidhu with LOVE and lots of it…
for the call session we just have.
It was an enlightening and awakening for most.
To be clear, I haven’t had this learning from my past years of experience in university, companies, training, and seminars.
I would love to go through the replay once available to better  digest and understand.
This is such a very unique Healing Course by far, and  yet we are still in its initial stage.
I am more inspired to continue this journey 🙏❤️

What a high vibration group!

What a fab chat we had!

What incredible shifts of pain and unwellness in 20 seconds took place!

Not to mention all the insights we left with – Self-Love IS Easy – we experienced it in 10 seconds!

I cannot tell you more – have a listen for yourself 💗🌈🚀

Happy Valentine Month, everybody!

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